During an organization’s buying process with Coeo Solutions, prospects are encouraged to meet with an engineer who specializes in the solutions that a prospect is looking to purchase.
The problems of missing the engineering call can have a negative impact on the customer’s experience with the solution.
If you do not take advantage of the engineering call you may end up with the wrong technology for your organization resulting in a solution that fails to meet your needs and, ultimately, negatively impacts your organization’s productivity.
Depending on the solution, your organization’s employees may lack the best tools to communicate with each other and with customers which will negatively impact collaboration and poor customer relationships.
Coeo has delivered solutions that improve the network infrastructure for thousands of customers.
We know how important reliable network solutions are to organizations and want to make sure you understand the benefits of participating in a Coeo engineering call so you make the most informed decision possible.
By the end of this article, you will know what the engineering call is and what the problems of declining the call are.
What is a Coeo engineering call?
A Coeo engineering call is a step in the Coeo sales process when a prospect and a Coeo technical expert meet to confirm the buyer's challenges and share the range of solutions that will solve them.
As part of this conversation, the engineer is able to further diagnose the problem and explain which Coeo solution or solutions are the best fit to solve the challenge.
However, some prospects opt out of the engineering call and skip to the onboarding stage where the pricing review and installation take place. This is where potential problems likely occur.
Problems of missing a Coeo engineering call
Engineering calls are an important part of the Coeo sales process. The problems that can occur as a result of missing the engineering call include:
● Misdiagnosis
The early-stage discovery process does not typically go into the same level of depth that a Coeo engineer will be able to go into.
This is the reason the engineering call is so important to the diagnosis of the problem.
The point of an engineering call is to confirm the diagnosis that the salesperson has provided for the prospect’s problems.
Engineers typically have the most expertise in the IT products and solutions that Coeo provides.
The engineer will be able to ask in-depth questions about the problems the prospect is experiencing and the needs that are desired to either confirm the diagnosis provided by the salesperson or discover a new diagnosis.
For example, if the initial diagnosis is a SIP Trunking solution but it is discovered in the later stages of the sales process that the organization needs a more well-rounded phone solution, they may find they need UCaaS instead.
Or maybe the prospect would benefit from better network connectivity in addition to the SIP Trunking solution to ensure SIP Trunking is a reliable solution. Maybe they can benefit from an SD-WAN solution as well.
The impact of missing this call could result in a miscommunication or misdiagnosis where the solution the prospect wants to purchase turns out to be the wrong fit or only a partial fit to address the organization’s problems.
Or another problem is not exposed and the solution fails because the additional problem is not solved with a different solution.
● Not familiar with using the solution following the installation
Another problem with missing the engineering call is not knowing how to use the solution after it is installed.
During the engineering call, the engineer will typically perform a demo of the solution that the prospect is going to purchase.
During the call, the engineer will share their screen of the solution the prospect is looking for and show the prospect the solution and everything there is to know about it.
For example, if a prospect is looking to purchase a UCaaS solution from Coeo, our engineer might screen-share our MaX UC application to show customers how to use it.
If you miss the engineering call, you may not fully understand what to expect from the solution or how to use it once it is installed.
This will make learning how to use the solution and training your employees how to use it much more difficult.
● No full-proof plan to install the solution
Another topic that gets looked at on an engineering call is the installation plan.
This is where the engineer asks questions, for example, about the organization’s office to establish where hardware and wires will be housed.
If you miss the engineering call you may not be able to plan out the installation process and may run into problems when it is time to install.
For example, if you go to install your new circuit on a low floor of your facility but your router is located on the 10th floor, you will not be able to connect the circuit to the router unless you move hardware which will add additional costs.
Similarly, if you order an electrical circuit only to find out you need a broadband connection, you will have to reorder and likely pay additional to get a broadband connection.
Next steps to a Coeo engineering call
Now you know what a Coeo engineering call is and the problems of missing one.
This will help you realize the importance of being on a call with our engineers before reviewing the final pricing and installation process.
If you miss a Coeo engineering call there may be issues that don’t get identified that can negatively affect the performance of your solution and cost your organization more money.
It is important to participate in an engineering call so you’re purchasing the right solution, you fully understand the installation process, and your solution experience goes as smoothly as possible.
Coeo has delivered thousands of solutions to customers in order to improve their networks. We want you to know the problems of missing a Coeo engineering call so you understand the importance of participating.
If you would like to speak with our team to learn more about Coeo or the solutions we offer or ask any questions, you can schedule an appointment.
Read these articles below to learn more about Coeo’s services and solutions:
When he's not creating content for Coeo, Jordan loves to watch sports, hang out with friends and family, and anything sneaker-related.