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The Problems of Secure Service Edge (SSE) and How to Solve Them

December 22nd, 2023 | 4 min. read

By Jordan Pioth

Business woman working on tablet on a couch

If your organization has poor network security, it can cause network vulnerabilities that lead to cyberattacks which are often extremely detrimental to your organization.

For example, cyberattacks can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to repair your network.

There are many network security solutions available that can help secure your network. SSE can be a good choice for many organizations looking for better network security.

However, just like with other types of solutions, there are potential issues that can arise with SSE.

It is important to understand what these issues are and how to solve them so you can determine whether SSE is a good choice for your organization.

Coeo knows how important reliable network security is and has delivered thousands of these solutions to organizations to improve their network security and help them avoid cyberattacks.

By the end of this article, you will know the problems of SSE, how to solve these potential problems, and whether SSE is a good fit for your organization.

The potential problems of SSE and how to solve them

Security Service Edge (SSE) is an integrated group of technologies that provide users with secure access to the web, cloud services and applications, and security to their devices.

SSE will benefit many organizations looking to improve their network security.

However, it is important to understand the potential issues with the service so you can determine whether it is a good choice for your organization and how to solve these issue if they surface in your organization.

The potential problems of SSE include:

Implementation issues

Depending on your organization’s current network infrastructure, it can be difficult to implement SSE.

For example, if your organization has old legacy network infrastructure implemented already, it will be difficult to integrate SSE with that technology.

Integrating SSE into your existing infrastructure requires careful planning and can sometimes require existing infrastructure to be updated with newer technology.

To avoid this issue, it is important to speak with the potential provider of your SSE solution to discuss your current network infrastructure and determine whether an SSE solution will integrate well with it.

Performance issues

Depending on which SSE solution you select, there may be some performance issues with the service.

If the solution you select requires your organization to backhaul data to a centralized point such as a data center, you may experience high latency issues with the service.

This can result in slow load page times, slow data upload and download speeds, and call breakups or drops which can contribute to decreased efficiency and productivity.

It is important to research the different SSE solutions and their application performance so you can determine which solution is best for your organization. This will help you avoid these potential performance issues.

Additionally, talking with your provider about the needs of your organization can help them determine which solution will best benefit your infrastructure.

Choosing the wrong provider

IT solutions and technology are only as good as the provider you receive them from.

Two of the potential problems with SSE are receiving a solution from a provider who lacks technical expertise or who provides poor customer service.

However, there are additional issues that might make a provider a poor partner so it’s important to do the analysis and check references to ensure they are the right choice to meet your needs.

All providers are different and offer different features so some may be a good fit for your organization and others not so much.

To avoid this issue, it is important you research different providers and choose the one that best fits your needs.

Data privacy concerns and compliance issues

SSE solutions are typically cloud-based so they connect to the internet to send and receive data.

This data can easily be breached by an unauthorized user without proper network security making it important for your SSE solution to secure data in the cloud.

In addition, some industries have data privacy compliance requirements that organizations must abide by to avoid penalties.

An example of this is HIPAA compliance for hospitals and other healthcare organizations.

To avoid these potential issues, it is important to select a solution and a vendor that maintains the safety of your data in the cloud and abides by all compliance regulations your organization is required to follow.

Is an SSE solution the right fit for your organization?

Now you understand what some of the potential issues of an SSE solution are and how to solve them. However, it is also important to determine if an SSE solution is a good choice for your organization.

If your organization has poor network connectivity and network vulnerabilities, an SSE solution may be a good choice.

It is important to test your network security by performing penetration tests and vulnerability scans.

These will help determine whether your organization needs to improve network security. If this is a priority, an SSE solution may be a good choice for you.

In addition, if your employees are dealing with high latency issues resulting in slow load page times, slow download and upload speeds, and call breakups or drops, an SSE solution may be a good choice for your organization to improve network connectivity.

If your organization is worried about keeping sensitive data private, an SSE solution may be a good choice for your organization to avoid data breaches, as well.

However, if your organization has reliable network connectivity and security already and has no issues with your current provider, you may not need an SSE solution.

Determining if SSE is a good fit for your organization

Now you understand the potential issues with an SSE solution, how to solve these issues, and whether an SSE solution is the right choice for your organization.

This will help you determine whether your company should invest in an SSE solution.

Organizations can’t afford to experience a cyberattack that can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to repair a damaged network.

To avoid these risks, it is important to have the most up-to-date network security service.

An SSE solution can improve your organization’s network security to avoid cyberattacks that can be detrimental to your business.

Coeo knows how important reliable network security is to an organization and has delivered thousands of network solutions to organizations to improve their network security and avoid cyberattacks.

We want you to understand the potential problems of SSE so you can determine if it is a good fit for your organization.

If you would like to speak with our team to learn more about SSE or network security or ask any questions you may have you can schedule an appointment.TALK TO AN EXPERT

Now that you understand the problems of SSE and how to solve them, check out this article about the different SSE services available so you can determine which one is the right fit for your organization:

Jordan Pioth

When he's not creating content for Coeo, Jordan loves to watch sports, hang out with friends and family, and anything sneaker-related.