Customer Proprietary Network Information
Basic privacy protection:
COEO values your business and respects our customers’ right to privacy. Under state and federal law, you have a right, and COEO has a duty, to protect the confidentiality of your Customer Proprietary Network Information (“CPNI”). CPNI is information about the quantity, technical configuration, type, destination, location, usage, and billing of your COEO service. COEO will not use or disclose your CPNI except as permitted or required by federal statute (47 U.S.C.§ 222) and applicable FCC regulations (47 CFR §§ 64.2001 – 64.2009). We will use your CPNI only to provide COEO services to you or to suggest other COEO communications-related services tailored to your needs. These protections apply automatically, and you do not need to take any action in order to benefit from them.
Further options:
As a COEO customer, you have the right to impose additional restrictions on COEO’s use of your CPNI by “opting out.” If you opt out, COEO cannot use your CPNI to market additional services to you. Opting out will not affect the provision of any COEO service to which you already subscribe, but it may prevent you from receiving certain information about additional services from COEO. If we do not hear from you within 30 days after you first sign up for COEO service, we will assume you do not wish to opt out. However, you can choose to opt out at any time. Your decision whether or not to opt-out will remain in effect until you change it. In order to opt out, please notify COEO in writing at 1901 Butterfirled Rd, Suite 150 Downers Grove, IL 60515 Attn: Customer Service, and provide the following information: (1) Customer name, (2) Service billing address, (3) telephone number including area code, and (4) service account number. Removing consent will not affect your current Service.